Sunday, August 1, 2010

24-Day Weight Loss Challenge - Day #13

Breakfast - Omelet w/spinach, cheddar cheese, and salsa
Lunch - broccoli & carrots and turkey breast
Afternoon Snack - almonds
Dinner - Chicken and steak kabobs w/butternut squash, vidalia onions, peppers, and zucchini - YUMMY!
Late snack: almonds
Daily activity: nothing - unless you count cleaning most of the day...blech!
Water: 80 oz.

I was having major anxiety attacks all day long. This stupid diet on this part of the 24-day challenge is thoroughly beginning to piss me off. Sure it's low-carb, but it's crazy-restrictive low-carb. I forgot to mention that basically the only things I can have are lean meat, eggs, veggies, and nuts. I'm not supposed to have any cheese or dairy products and definitely no bread or anything of that nature. ETA: Oh, I can have a piece of fruit in the afternoon but please tell me how I'm supposed to do that and stay under 30 carbs for the day?!

Just fucking shoot me now!

After the weigh-in tomorrow, don't be surprised if I switch back to Weight Watchers. At this point in time, I don't care if I win the stupid challenge. I'm fucking starving and I need variety in my diet!!!


Becky said...

Do the WW Simply Filling Technique with me! You know portions. Switch to the dark side and go by your hunger cues. I will never eat any other way again!

Jess said...

I'll have to research that. I don't know much about that program.

I told Matt that we both need to find a meal plan and stick with it though. Grocery shopping on two different plans, plus stuff for the kids, is expensive!

Becky said...

It's all encompassing. Check out my cheat sheet. The SFT info is at the bottom.

Jess said...

Thanks for the info. I skimmed through it and the concept is really great. I don't know if I'm there quite yet but it's definitely something I'll consider later on.