Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt (and other random things)

I started level 1 today. Not as difficult as I thought it would be but we'll see how I feel tomorrow. This is only 20 minutes (for level 1) so I'm going to see if I can get in 5-6 days per week, plus HIIT twice a week for 25-30 minutes on the elliptical.

I don't know if I mentioned here, but once it warms up outside, I am serious contemplating doing the couch to 5K. I seriously doubt in my current shape (round, LOL) that I could do this program in nine weeks but I bet if I did each week in two or three weeks instead of one, that I might be able to do it. I bought some pretty schweet New Balance running shoes and I've got my handy-dandy iPod so I cannot wait to try!

Oh, and I woke up feeling like crud again today but my cough seems to be getting better so that's good. Working out definitely made me feel 100% better.

And before I forget, Matt is going to start taking progress pictures for me in my sports bra and spandex shorts (you know - like on The Biggest Loser) so we can document my progress. I don't think I'll post them here (for the time being) but when I am able to drop another 15-20 lbs., I may consider it.

Lastly (gosh I'm A.D.D. today!), I didn't forget about my clothing pictures. I just haven't got around to taking them yet. I promise I will though...just don't know if it will be today since I have some more homework to do.


MotherFingPrincess said...

There is nothing wrong with a little ADD. I'm just saying.

You are brave, very brave. Sister I would not be caught dead on camera in spandex shorts and bra. No way!


Jess said...

Not brave...just stupid. I wanted to just DIE when I saw the pictures. Clothing definitely does my body good.