Monday, March 2, 2009

Unofficial weigh-in

I think I'm going to break out of the 230s this week (FINALLY!!!).

I (unofficially) weighed in at 230.1 lbs. today, which equates to a loss of another 2.5 lbs. since Friday.

This is my lowest weigh-in yet since November and so I'm quite excited about it.

I'm finally feeling a bit better and have gotten back on track with my eating so I credit that.


On another positive note, I was a bit concerned about how I'd feel today after yesterday's workout but I feel great. I'm a little sore but nothing like I thought I might feel. Yay!

I hope to get to work out tonight too but I've got a meeting with one of my teacher's and then some homework to finish up. I hope so...I'm looking forward to it. :)


MotherFingPrincess said...

Ahhhh, you have caught exercise fever. This is how it starts. You look forward to working out. Then you start sneaking in exercise. Before you know it you are thinking about it all the time. Be careful or you may just lose your ass (literally)! LOL

Jess said...

I know. I love this addiction! Now if I can just keep it up!

BTW, that is the one asset of mine that I hope not to lose too much of. That and my boobs. But, alas...I hear those are always the first two things to go. :(