Sunday, March 22, 2009

Commit to be fit 5K

I totally forgot to tell y'all that I signed up for this. I also signed up Matt up (much to his dismay) and then signed Adrian up for the mascot chase.

I'm obviously in no shape to run it but I'm excited about doing it. We get a free t-shirt out of it and then we get to hang out with Adrian.

Speaking of him, he is totally a natural born runner. He has won the running portions of their class' field day every year the past two or three years. He is going to start running cross-country in Junior High (he already decided) and my goal is to be able to run with him. That gives me about 2 1/2 years to run so I hope that I am able to do it by then (barring some unforeseen injury).

The 5K is on May 2nd. I will definitely post pictures so check back around then.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Good for you, Jess!