Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekly weigh-in

Copied and pasted from BabyCenter:

I'm going to do my weigh-in a little different this week just so (you and) I can see how far I've come...

Highest non-pregnant weight: 256 lbs.
Low-carb start weight: 248 lbs. (August 2008)
Last week's weigh-in: 232.3 lbs.
Current weight: 230.9 lbs.
Loss from last week: 1.4 lbs.

I'm happy yet I'm bummed. The 230s really are my arch nemesis. I have not been able to get past them. I'm at the weight I was before Thanksgiving, which is a bit depressing. However, I'm SO close to getting out of the 230s that I just know I'll be under 230 next week.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


MotherFingPrincess said...

Okay, first I know I am not really the one to talk, but we all have to realize that winter causes weight gain or at very least it is harder to lose during those months. I can lose like crazy in the summer. I think it is some sort of evolutionary thing because our ancestors needed extra winter weight. Anywho, wait until it wrams up. You will shed those lbs, baby!

Jess said...

I totally agree with you. Matt and I are already planning out all the places we can go to walk/run together with the kids. I'm definitely going to try to get into gardening and more outside activities this year too.

It is going to come off if it kills me!