Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The rest of the cupcakes have GOT to go!

Matt - if you're reading this before I get home, please get rid of them. Throw them away, give them to your mom...hell...feed them to the birds! Just make them go away!

We still have all of that chocolate and peanut butter fudge from Amish country and I haven't thought twice about it but crap like the above just doesn't stand a chance right now.

I think I'm starting Becky's books tonight. :( (or should that be :)?)


Sara said...

OMG with the cupcakes. I have been craving them SO bad! I got our supermarket mailer today and don't you know the freaking cupcakes are on sale! They looked so pretty too, all that brightly colered icing piled up on delicious vanilla-y cake...mmmmmmmm.

I'm drooling all over your blog, sorry bout that.

Jess said...

I know. I'm just a glutton for punishment. Now why didn't I make BBQ weenies or something? I wouldn't have felt so guilty eating those! :)

I'm telling you...it's this effing period! It's almost over, thank God! I'm like you...the beast comes out once a month and it's hard to contain her.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that has an unhealthy obsession with cupcakes! My cupcakes are even better than the store bought ones since I make my own icing. It is IRRESISTIBLE! :oP

Note to self: no more cupcakes for potlucks! Learn how to cook!!!