Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two days in a row

On the elliptical that is. I did 1.95 miles in 31 minutes and burned 365 calories. Woo-hoo!

My knees are protesting though. They crack and have this weird buckling thing going on like you wouldn't believe. They don't hurt...they just feel strange. I have two lunch dates this week and so no more elliptical at lunchtime so I'm hoping that the rest over the weekend will get them back to normal. I am going to do a couple days of TBL Power Sculpt though, but that should be okay since that isn't too hard on the knees.

I am proud of myself though. I hate, hate, hate working out in front of people but I'm doing it. Today was the first day that I worked out beside a semi-hot guy at work and wasn't totally self-conscious of my blubber bouncing around everywhere. I actually just cranked up my iPod and tuned him out. Except for when he was texting and talking on his cell phone. The guy was RUNNING on the treadmill and talking/texting. I was disturbed, yet impressed, at the same time. I snuck a peek at his speed and he was running 6.8 MPH the entire time. That is SUPER impressive (or stupid, depending on how you look at it).

I'd never do that but that's because I'm so uncoordinated that I'd surely hurt or scalp myself.

Speaking of that, a friend of mine sent me pictures today that were quite frightening. She was working out on her treadmill when one of her kids shoved her daughter down and her hair got caught in the treadmill. Poor little thing lost a whole handful of hair and has a little bald patch! I'm just glad it wasn't more serious.

That is one more reason why I don't work out on equipment like that at home...


Becky said...

It's dangerous working out with kids at home. Sebastian has been bonked in the head with weights more than once.

MotherFingPrincess said...

Good job on getting back on track with working out. I know about the knee thing. My knee cracks a lot, which is the bones grinding together since I have no cartilage in my right knee(it was gone by the end of high school according to my doctor). The sound is painful since I know what is happening and I am sure it is not healthy, but what can you do? I sure am not going to stop -lol. I have also had the buckling thing - I think it is related to being tired or worn out. Not sure, though. At least no pain is a good thing, right?

Jess said...

Becky - I've whacked Collin too. But usually he just tries to workout with me and ends up getting in my way.

Heather - thanks. I really want to work out tonight but my ass is whooped. Plus, I think I'm going to list my old textbooks on Wow! I didn't know your knee was that bad. Yikes! Guess I shouldn't bitch anymore, huh? :D