Monday, March 2, 2009

The Biggest Loser Power Sculpt - Week #1, Day #2

It was a bit harder to do today. All in all though, I love the way it makes me feel. Tomorrow will be another test. It is my HIIT day on the elliptical AND I'm going to do day #3 of TBL Power Sculpt. Keep your fingers crossed!


MotherFingPrincess said...

Is it knee friendly? I am going to be starting the end of the month and I am scared. My knee is crazy bad lately. I know it's from gaining weight, so I am hoping to shed those lbs so I can do the lunges without pain. Sounds like it at least is motivating.

Jess said...

There aren't many lunges in it at all. I've got a jacked up knee and it hasn't bothered me at all. Now my elbow that I've got tendonitis in is a whole 'nother story. :(

With your fitness level, I have no doubt that you'll find level one mind-numbling boring/easy. I've peeked at the other two though and they are kind of formidable. We'll see how I feel in two weeks...

MotherFingPrincess said...

We did The Firm today and it was nothing but 55 minutes of lunges. I am beat. It was a great workout, though. Hope my knee isn't yelling at me tonight.