Friday, March 27, 2009


So I got this friend request and message from MySpace:

iceman wants to be your friend! wow u look hot i wouid love to get to know u better from beau

He must have gotten a new profile because I know I blocked him two years ago for the same type of crap. Heather knows exactly who this is. He has had a thing for me (and several other girls we graduated with) for years. This actually dates back to school and then when Adrian's sperm donor and I were together, he knew he had a crush on me and totally gave him my number (when I was hugely pregnant).

When he used to see me in public, he would totally chase me down and talk my ear off. Thankfully, he doesn't recognize me in public anymore because I have cut my hair off and put on about 80 lbs...

Friend request...DENIED.


MotherFingPrincess said...

Yep, been there, done that. I bet money that boy has never been laid. His come ons are lame and a bit too upfront. He needs some how to talk to chicks lessons. Seriously, we are 30 years old, please.

Jess said...

Has he propositioned you too? He just creeps me out anymore. I mean, I feel bad for him because of all of his problems but he totally strikes me as the pedophile-type now.
