Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Weekend

I have a confession. I went off my plan for a half day. My friend Leah was having a tough time and reached out on Facebook for someone to go out with her and to have some fun and to de-stress. Despite the fact that she lives two hours away, it was 5:30 p.m., and I was working out hardcore on the elliptical, I talked with Matt, we found a sitter, and by 9:00 we were dressed, ready, and had arrived at her and her husband's house. And let me tell you...despite the fact that I blew it for the day (and went over my weeklies...eek!), we had a BLAST! It was a much needed break. Last week was pretty hellacious considering that I ran on less than 5 hours of sleep each day had a heavy load of homework each night after getting home from work so I am honestly not feeling guilty about it. Let's just say that I hope to God that this week is a little easier but we'll see.

I also just hope that my weight stays the same or that I'm able to lose a little this week...

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