Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ugly Weekend

Man, it was ugly this weekend. :( We went out of town to visit friends and relatives. I was all proud of myself because I had actually packed healthy snacks and stuff I could eat for breakfast and wouldn't you know it, I walked out the freaking door without the bag?!

Needless to say, I did track most everything but I'm in the hole and I'll be really surprised if I lose at all this week. :(

I am proud of myself for working out both yesterday and today. Today I even worked out at the hotel for over 45 minutes. :) If I can get in 3 more activity points for this week tomorrow, I will have broken my record for activity points since I started Weight Watchers. That's my goal for tomorrow and I'm considering this week a new week and I'll work on planning better next time.

1 comment:

K said...

First, GREAT job on the activity point earning!! Don't be too hard on yourself for the rough time while you were out of town. Bummer that you forgot the bag! Pick yourself up and keep going! You're doing great, Jess!