Monday, January 5, 2009

So far, so good!

Well...I already accomplished a couple of my New Year's resolutions mentioned yesterday. I didn't get up until the 4th or 5th time of the alarm going off but I got up about a good 1/2 hour earlier than I normally do. I did my make-up at home and blow-dried my hair before I left for work. And...drum roll please...check out what time I got to work: I was 3 minutes late but that's much better than the 15-20 that I normally am (eek!).

Also, I weighed in and took my measurements this morning. I'm up by about 13 lbs. since late November. About what I expected. I think some of that is water weight but it still may take me a month to get back to where I was. I'll change my ticker when I get home tonight. It's blocked here at work because our filters think it's a sex education website. WTH?

I have to work on setting some weight loss goals. A few of us from my BabyCenter birth board are having a meet-up in May and then Matt & I are going away somewhere warm and tropical (haven't decided where yet - maybe the Virgin Islands?) for our 5-year anniversary trip in September. I think I would like to lose about 40 lbs. by September, which I think is do-able since that's about 34 wks. from now, which is a little over a pound a week. I hope that I lose more than that but I want to set reasonable goals and take things slowly so I'm more apt to stay on my plan long-term. We shall see.

Oh, did I mention that I am cutting out my afternoon caffeine? I've been having issues with insomnia and staying asleep so I'm conducting a science experiment to see if that helps. Plus, I read somewhere recently that diet pop can cause metabolic syndrome, which is not conducive to weight loss since you retain belly fat and some other bad things. I'm also curious to see if that helps with my weight loss. I'm having green tea in place of my diet pop in the afternoon...

I weigh-in on Friday. I'll let you know how that goes.