Monday, January 26, 2009

WTH is wrong with me?

I was supposed to start back low carbing today but I'm having major family stress right now and cannot get myself back on track. I haven't binged or over-ate per se but I haven't exactly been eating low-carb. I hate that I'm an emotional eater and that I turn to food to cope with my problems.

Someone give me a virtual swift kick in the ass!

Here is to another crappy weigh-in on Friday. Argh!


Purple Platypus Pictures said...

I can be your swift kick! I'm not doing all that great in the food department either... maybe we should be each others foot in the ass :)

Jess said...

Thanks, Heather. I needed that! This daggone weather doesn't help! At least if it was nice out, I could walk out some of my frustrations instead of eating a cookie. This too shall pass, right?

Becky said...

Hang in there, Jess. I know it's rough. You know what works for me when I'm frustrated? Good music! I can't tell you how many times it has saved me.

Oh, and I still haven't sent those books yet. I'll get them out this week - sorry! I know you're not in a hurry, but I don't want to forget completely LOL

Jess said...

That is a great idea, Becky. I really want an I-pod and have some rewards on a credit card that I can get it with, but I've been saving it as a weight loss reward. Maybe that really would help to have it now?

I haven't done too bad eatingwise; just not low-carb. I had some sirloin soup w/veggies, a half of a double cheeseburger, and coffee with SF syrup and heavy cream. Like I said; not horribly bad, just not LC.

And don't sweat the books. I should be getting the one I mentioned on my blog anyday now and so I have to work on that for a little while to begin with. Just send them whenever you have the time. :)

Becky said...

YES! Get the iPod as soon as you can. It will make a big difference on days like this, when you just need a pick-me-up. And it can still be a reward - you've worked hard and deserve something for your efforts.

MotherFingPrincess said...

Hey, nothing can be that bad when you have a 2 year old singing booty, booty, booty to ya -lol. Do not be a negative nancy - that is my role and I will not let you steal it. Keep your head up. You will get back on track and it'll be all good. Rome wasn't built in a day honey.

Jess said...

I know, I know. I've actually done pretty well today. I haven't over-ate and I haven't binge ate so today is a good day afterall. :)