Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Be mindful...not mindless

This was the biggest thing I forgot to mention to you all about Monday.

I believe that my friend Becky already practices this way of thinking while eating, from reading her blog. It's really a great concept.

The majority of people that read my blog are busy mothers. So...we are great at multi-tasking. How many times do we eat while reading, on the computer, or in the car??? When we do that, we are mindlessly eating. My therapist suggested being mindful of what you are eating, how much you are eating, how you are feeling as you eat and that you stop when you feel satisfied and full, but not gorged. She also suggested that I eat slowly and enjoy the food.

I think the biggest thing that will help me in this respect is eating at the dinner table. What a concept??? I eat often in front of the T.V. or while doing my homework or on the computer and so I don't think about what I'm eating, how I'm feeling, etc. I firmly believe that this will help. I'm not saying that I won't eat while on the computer or while reading any more; I'm just going to try to bring along a healthy portion of what it is I'm eating and stick to that instead of eating out of a whole bag of something.

The added bonus...I get to re-connect with Matt and the boys and it will bring us a little bit closer together as a family.

For me, this weight loss journey and journey to self-discovery and awareness is about getting back to the basics and focusing on what is important to me in the long-run which is my health and my family.

And on a positive note, I didn't snack at all after my blog post last night and I've stayed under my carb limit I've set for myself the past two days. Yesterday I was actually under 1500 calories for the day and I even did HIIT on the elliptical. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm not starving! Yippee!


Becky said...

Good job, Jess!!

I am big on the dinner table, too. I like us to eat together. My husband's work schedule makes it difficult sometimes because I never know when he's going to be home. And sometimes he just plops down on the couch while I'm at the table. That ticks me off.

Kiannshysmom said...

Eating as a family is an awesome way to reconnect at the end of the day! WTG GIRL!

Jess said...

Becky - Thanks. I'm actually like your husband (since I don't like eating at the table) but I blame that on my upbringing since we rarely ate dinner at the table. It's a hard habit to break but I know it's a good habit to get into for a whole host of reasons. that you, girl? If you have a blog, it's private and I can't tell. Regardless...thanks for the comment. :)