Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter sucks

I will try to get a picture of this yuckiness before the day is over. It took me an hour and a half to get to work this morning, when it normally only takes me 45-50 minutes. Then I get here only to find out that neither of our supervisors are here and only 1/4 of our examiners.

I am truly an idiot for not just calling off of work to have a snow/sledding day with the boys.

Did I mention that we took them sledding last week? Heather says I need to put pictures of our outing up on my blog but I fear that you will all laugh at me hysterically from behind your computers because of what a dork I look like. Matt actually conned me into sledding on one of the inner tubes and I went down...on my stomach. I nearly took out 2-3 kids but it was a lot of fun. I believe there are pictures of the incident, but I'm not certain since I haven't uploaded the pictures to my laptop...

Heather - enjoy your day at home with the kiddos! :oP

1 comment:

MotherFingPrincess said...

Yeah, thanks. I have a head ache from hell. I spent forever shoveling out my poor car too. I hate snow, but you will hear about that on my blog-lol. You should have called off or at least called in and asked if you should come. Dork! I love how you say that you about took some kids but it was fun - for you maybe, but probably wasn't too fun for them :) Well, you enjoy your day at work without kids, lucky duck.