Friday, May 1, 2009

Food journal - day #5

8:15 - Breakfast: whole wheat mini-bagel w/strawberry cream cheese, banana, non-fat yogurt, and coffee w/regular creamer and sugar-free DaVinci coffee syrup.

I headed out to buy the boys' some clothes at Once Upon a Child at lunch and *almost* stopped at UDF for a Peanut Butter shake. I'm SO glad I didn't. :)

12:15 - Lunch: turkey sandwich on pita bread, carrots w/yogurt ranch dressing, light string cheese, and sugar-free applesauce. I am SO excited about this meal. I decided to stop adding American cheese or condiments to my "sandwich" and it cut out almost 200 calories. The meal is still filling though since I replaced the American cheese with the light string cheese. I'm only at 738 calories for the day after this meal.

3:30 - Snack: apple w/peanut butter

6:30 - Snack: honey wheat pretzels. We decided to get Wendy's tonight since we were busy doing stuff around the house so I had to snack on something to tide me over.

7:30 - Taco Salad 9:30 - Wine. This tasted so good! I really wanted it after the week I've had!

Tomorrow is my first 5K. I'm not running but I'm excited nonetheless. Adrian is going with us so not only will we get our daily fitness in, but we'll get some much needed quality one-on-one time with the little guy. :)

I will try to post some pics this weekend afterwards.


MotherFingPrincess said...

You have to let me know how the 5k goes. I wish I was doing one soon, but I want to run the whole thing and that takes some practice. We do start 5k training this week and I walked/jogged 5 miles tonight with my dvd.

Becky said...

Good luck today, Jess!!!