Monday, May 11, 2009

Food journal - day #12

Back on track. Yeah!

Breakfast: 9:15 - Jimmy Dean D-Light sausage w/egg white and cheese on whole grain English muffin, FF yogurt, SF applesauce, regular coffee w/SF vanilla creamer.

Lunch: 12:30 - Turkey sandwich on pita bread, baby carrots, apple, and light string cheese. I was completely stuffed after this meal and wasn't sure I was going to be able to get in my afternoon snack.

Snack: 2:30 - Baby carrots, peaches in lite syrup (made w/Splenda), and FF yogurt.

Dinner: 5:30 - Grilled chicken sandwich and small fry from Wendy's since we (Adrian & I) had to eat on the way to the salon.

Snack: 10:30 - Fiber One bar, courtesy of my BFF. I will eat this after this post. It looks pretty tasty...Oats and chocolate or something like that.

I started the SlimQuick today and I have definitely noticed a difference. My hunger is down and my energy is up without the heart palpitations and without feeling like I'm bouncing off the wall.

Water: 120 oz.! :) One day down, 4 more to go before weigh-in day.
Exercise: Walked/jogged 1.45 miles in 22 min. 15 sec. which equates to a 15 min. 20 sec. mile. :D I'm pretty sure I broke a record with this (for myself obviously) and I'm super excited about it!

Sorry for being such a Debby Downer and broken record last night. This is so hard but I'm trying and I refuse to give up! :)


Becky said...

You're doing great, Jess! I sometimes get coupons for SlimQuick (and SlimShots) and if you want them, let me know! I usually just Coupon Fairy them in the store.

Jess said...

Thanks, Becky. I was all concerned that I had disappointed you (and Sara) with starting the SlimQuick. Whew! Glad to know you're still posting to me, LOL! :)

I will definitely take any future ones you get off your hands. I don't want to stay on these permanently but those coupons will help defray some of the costs while I'm taking them. Do you still have my address?

Becky said...

Bah! Whatever gets you through it. As long as it's legal, I'm not going to disown you :p

Becky said...

Oh and I think I still have your address. I don't have any coupons for them right now but as soon as I do, I will let you know!

Jess said...

You rock!

Good to know that tapeworms aren't out of the question... ;)

Becky said...

I'd still be your internet friend, but I wouldn't come visit :p

Sara said...

I JUST saw this Jess! You have not dissapointed me. If you stopped eating well and exersicing like crazy and started taking the SQ as your SOLE means of weight loss.... THEN I would be dissapointed.

This is your journey, you will have your hills and valleys. I'm here to help in the valleys and celebrate in the hills!

Just be the best you can to your body and it will thank you!

I think you are doing a kick ass job Jess!

Jess said...

I heart you, Sara. Thanks for being such a great support as usual! :D