Monday, May 18, 2009


I just tracked my food; got in about 1400 calories. I didn't do any snacking today at all...I was either too busy or my nerves were too shot to think about eating.

I had my first public speaking engagement as I mentioned before. I actually did better than I thought I would. There is still definitely room for improvement but I was pleased with how everything went overall, as were my peers and the people who count. I got some good constructive criticism and I am going to attend an extra client seminar (on Thursday) to get to see one of our supervisors in action doing our piece of the seminar. She is going over the same material as I am so I'm curious to see the spin she puts on things. I definitely think I could learn a couple things from her. :) I'm not done with public speaking just yet...I have my next/last seminar for the year on Thursday next week...

I really like the food journaling but my life is crazy busy right now so I apologize ahead of time if I don't keep up with it. I am tracking my food in SparkPeople and so that's all that really matters to me right now. I will put a link to my SP food log when I get a free minute.

I am also going to start limiting my internet time for awhile. Matt has been shouldering much the burden of the household stuff for awhile and so I need to focus on helping him get stuff back on track. I fully intend on keeping up with my blog, as well as SP, and popping in on BabyCenter every now and then but I'm going to have to cut way back on BabyCenter personals since I just don't have the time to keep up with everyone right now. This sucks but I have to be more productive...even if it means sacrificing my own sanity for awhile...yeah...sad, I know. The mindless internet surfing keeps me sane...


MotherFingPrincess said...

This new gig I have has taught me a lot about public speaking. As you know I edit earnings calls for big businesses (NYSE companies). Let me tell you what drives me crazy.
1. Do not say: you know, I mean
2. Limit the use of the word 'and' - there is no need to have one sentence strung together with 'and' that runs on for 5 minutes - trust me it is okay to breathe.
3. Never, ever say 'um'
4. Watch for little phrases that you overuse and stop using them.
5. SPEAK UP and for the love of pete - do not mumble.

You would be surprised how many people, running billion dollar companies mind you, that mumble and can not give a speech worth a damn.

Hope these little tips help you. I know that if these conference are transcribed that the transcriber will thank you if you follow these rules.


MotherFingPrincess said...

I have some additions to the list - after two 13 hour days listening to speakers I have many tips -lol

Do not say "so" - EVER
Talk s-l-o-w-l-y
do not laugh when you speak - it makes it impossible to hear what you are saying.

Just some more tips for ya :)