Sunday, May 3, 2009

Food journal - day #7

I'm feeling a tremendous amount of guilt for yesterday's food consumption. At least today is a new day, right?

I'm going to preface this by saying my schedule is all screwed up today.

Breakfast - Noon: whole wheat mini bagel w/strawberry cream cheese, sugar free-applesauce, fat-free yogurt, and regular coffee w/half and half and SF coffee syrup.

Snack - 2:45: 5 soft pretzel rods w/honey mustard dressing. I ate this at Walmart while we were shopping for the week. I really should have eaten something before I left the house. I'll know better next time.

Lunch" - 4:45: Turkey ham sandwich with cheese on low-carb/calorie wheat bread, cauliflower w/yogurt ranch dressing, and apple w/peanut butter.

Dinner - 7:00: Grilled boneless pork loin, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. The pork was delicious! DH found a new seasoning at Walmart called barbecue seasoning and it was tasty! It had a nice BBQ flavoring without the calories and sugar. I am pretty stuffed after this meal and hoping to avoid a late snack tonight.

Snack - 11:00: SF chocolate pudding. I was up late working on last minute homework for an on-line class. I felt good about this decision though. I am actually still under my calories and within my recommended SP ranges for fat, carbs, and protein. YAY!

If I didn't mention it yet, I'm starting Jillian Michaels' 30-day Shred tomorrow with my friend Becky. I am a bit intimidated and hope that I can stick to it. My motivation has been lacking in the fitness department and I'm extremely sore from the 5K yesterday. We shall see...


Becky said...

I have that bad habit, of not eating before I go out and about. I think the menu looks fantastic.

If you're sore and still want to shred, do it without any weights.

Jess said...

Too bad I didn't see this comment earlier. My arms are effing killing me! Legs too! I had to really, really modify part of the jumping jacks, jump rope, and butt kicks.

WOWZA! I can barely type this. (okay...that's a little bit of an exaggeration but day-um!)

Becky said...


I modify the jacks, too, even when I was doing ChaLean. Or, I'll do half & half. My knees don't like them. I thought losing weight would help but it hasn't :(

Jess said...

Aww...sorry about your knees. It's not even that so much as it was my calves and hamstrings being so tight and burning (probably from the running part of the 5K on Saturday). They are still feeling like that and now my arms are on top of that too so it will be interesting to see how the next session goes...