Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have been in a really good place mentally this past week. :)

Matt & I have been reconnecting and I feel closer than ever to him now. We've not been doing anything special...just sitting and talking...reflecting on our feelings...sharing new things with each other. It's hard to believe that we've been together for 8 1/2 years now. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made. I know I've said this before, but I am truly blessed to have him in my life. He is my best friend.

Speaking of him, I am so proud (and jealous!) of him. He has lost close to 30 lbs. since we started our journey to get healthy in August. He's lost probably close to 6 inches on his waist and he is looking HOT! I think he said that he's only got another 15-20 lbs. to go before he's at the weight he was when we started dating. (I've got another 59 lbs.! I'll get there though. :)

I had a great session with my therapist on Monday. She said some things that really made sense. The biggest thing that has been running through my mind is that diets are all about deprivation. For those of us who binge or over-eat, it's really hard to diet because of that. Sometimes it is what triggers those dark moments.

Something that is also helping me is to get into the mindset that I shouldn't live to eat, but rather eat to live. If I'm still hungry after dinner, I drink something and wait 20-30 minutes to make sure that I'm actually hungry before I get a snack or more food. I've also been having crazy cravings for cereal...guess what? I've been eating it! I found a fairly low-carb cereal (Banana Nut Cheerios...yummy!) and I've been eating a small bowl when the craving hits. I've also switched to using smaller spoons when I eat so it takes me longer to eat and I trick my body into thinking that I'm actually eating more when I'm not.

I hope this positive attitude continues because if it does, I really feel like I can get healthy this time! :)


Becky said...

I love that cereal idea! I heart Cheerios (regular) very, very much and when I saw that they make a banana nut version, I squeed. Yep, I actually made the "squeeeeeeee" sound. I'm going to have to use one of my son's spoons when I eat it.

Jess said...


Yay! I'm glad that I finally helped give you an idea for once! :) They are lightly sweetened and so I don't know how much you watch your sugar intake so just be sure to check out the box. They are frickin tasty though!!! Let me know what you think of them...