Friday, April 10, 2009

Writer's block

Yes...I know. I totally suck. I haven't written in over a week. I totally have writer's block. Of course, now that I typed that, I'll probably have an insanely long post.

Let's see. What's happened the past week?

Collin is still sick. It's now a cold but it's manageable. Adrian caught it on Monday and was sick until yesterday. I hope with the warm weather change that will be the end of the sicknesses for awhile since I've officially blown through several PTO days staying home with them since Matt can't.

I lost another 1/2 pound this week. Not much but I'll take it since I had a couple high carb days. I did work out consistently this week and so I'm very happy with that.

Speaking of that, we went rock climbing for the first time yesterday. We had a really good time and I definitely think we'll go again. I had the intention of taking pics but it's kind of hard when one person climbs and the other person has to anchor or belay the other person. Maybe next time? It was definitely a good workout though! According to Sparkpeople, a half hour of rock climbing burns about 560 calories. Crazy?!

I am taking a few days off of low-carbing. I'm really burned out and I'm really curious to see how I do on my own, so to speak. I have no intentions of binging; I just want to test the waters. I also bought myself an Easter basket this year and I fully intend on enjoying some Easter candy on Sunday. Come Monday though, the remaining candy is going to work with me to go in the community candy dish.

I think that about sums it up. Boring I know, but such is life sometimes...


Sara said...

WTG for that 1/2 pound! Every little bit counts!

I'm really proud of you and your oh-so-mature way of testing yourself. It seems you are learning so much about yourself and the way you eat, it amazing to watch and cheer on!

So good luck with your "break" and enjoy your candy, guilt-free! You can handle this GF, you are the one in control!


Jess said...

Thanks, sweetie! :) This is definitely a learning process, which can be a little nerve wracking when you have as much weight to lose as me but I'm gonna do it! :D

Hope you are having a good day today! I will report back later on this week with how things went...