Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm quitting...

Smoking that is. For good.

Matt started Chantix last week and he is officially quitting this weekend. I don't buy cigarettes for myself but I bum a few off of him at night after I get home. He has informed me that I am not allowed to smoke around him ever again once he quits for good...not even when I drink. :(

This is a good thing though. I'm really happy with the decision. I would like to kick my workouts up a notch and so this will help in that respect.

Wish us luck!


Becky said...

GOOD LUCK!!! I did it. Sara did it. You will do it! And you'll find that exercise gets easier ;p

Sara said...

YAY! That's great news!!! It will be hard for a bit but you can TOTALLY do it! Especially with the support of your husband. And I second Becky's thought that exercise will get easier. I can vouch for that firsthand! Good job on taking one more step forward on your journey of healthy living!

Jess said...

Thanks, chiquitas! :)