Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rough time

That's what I'm having now. When you see me disappear for awhile, or post infrequently, it's either because I'm too busy to post or I've "relapsed". Probably more likely the latter.

I am learning a lot about binge eating through the books I'm borrowing and I definitely think that my weight problem has an element of binge eating to it. I'm just now getting to the part of the one book where I am supposed to start a journal of what I eat, when I eat, how I feel, etc. I'm extremely interested to see how that goes. I might even start posting the food journals here if I find them therapeutic or if I find that they help keep me accountable.

I'm still waffling back and forth on whether I want to stay with low-carb long-term or not. I really feel like the extreme low-carb leads to binges but that also, when I go over a certain amount (60 grams or so) that that also triggers binges. This is SO hard to figure out how to strike a good balance!

I'm definitely not giving up or quitting. That is NOT going to happen. This is just another bump in the road that I will overcome with teaching myself how to eat healthy and learning how to eat the right way.

I saw my psychiatrist today and let him know about what is going on (an almost two week long binge :( )and so he switched up my medication. The medication that he put me on should help with impulse control and binge eating so please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm definitely nervous because there's a stigma (at least in my mind) that goes along with this particular medication and I've never taken it before. My doctor is wonderful though. He has a very open door policy and will see me any time I need to see him and so I have no doubt that if I do have any problems, we'll get them nipped in the bud.

I also finally broke down and talked to my mom (who is no longer getting divorced by the way...yay!) and let her know what is going on. She has agreed to be a sponsor of sorts for me so when/if I have a moment of weakness, I can call her anytime I need to so she can talk me down. I'm going to ask a couple other people *cough* Heather *cough* to be my go to people too so if I can't get ahold of her, I have someone else I can call or text for support. If you are interested in helping me with this new plan and you have unlimited text or would be willing to chat with me for a couple of minutes at a time, let me know because Lord knows that I need all the help I can get at this point in time.

Thank you guys for all of your support regardless. It means the world to me and I really appreciate it! :)


MotherFingPrincess said...

I love the food journal idea. i was just thinking about doing that today, actually.

The whole sponser thing can go both ways. Maybe that is what I need - you yelling at me about the evil's of Pepsi. Maybe that would stop me. I forgot you have texting now. text away chick. I am a texting fool and I pretty much have unlimited texting.

I am having it rough now, too. This weather has got to be part of the problem. I know it is for me. Plus that time of the damn month, you know. I feel like I am on a two week binge too. Are we somehow connected - psychically- so our cravings work in unison? i am beginning to wonder because whenever you fall into a rough patch I do, too. Hmmm...interesting, very interesting.

Jess said...

I will read up some more about this food journal idea and let you know what the book says. I might even make a spreadsheet and share it with you if that would help. Becky does the food journaling quite a bit so check out her blog for ideas.

Awesome! I'm totally going to take you up on this. I will definitely be your go to person too! :) Maybe we just need some swift kicks in the ass to get ourselves in gear! Yep; I <3 unlimited texting. I was never much into it before but now that it's unlimited, I find it so much easier to communicate...especially when I don't have much to chat about.

I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. I really think the holidays are one of my triggers. I was doing SO good before Easter. Then it's like I gave myself a free pass to eat complete shit for a couple of days and then it just spirals out of control from there. The emotional stuff going on with my mom didn't help matters either. Yep...I definitely think we're connected in that respect and others. :)

We are going to get back on track...even if it kills us! :oP

MotherFingPrincess said...

LOL, after i wrote this I made a spreadsheet. Too funny.

Easter did it to me,too.

Wow, that is just weird.

Love ya, buddy!

Becky said...

Jess, my food journal has helped me immensely!!! It's second nature to me now. I don't log my emotions and location and all that like suggested in the book, though I did when I started. If I had even less of a life, I'd make it a photo journal :p

Jess said...

LOL! I need to finish reading the chapter and write out everything I need to do so I can remember to do it. I'm looking forward to it, actually. Once I get the hang of that, I'll start logging my food on SP again.

I'm still blown away by how much works this takes! It's SO easy to be fat! But to be thin(ner)/healthy it takes a shit ton of work! :O

Becky said...

I don't know if you guys can see this but someone on lowcarbfriends made a food journal template.


Becky said...

food template

MotherFingPrincess said...

The spreadsheet I made is kind of tailored to me. I have never been able to keep a food journal because I always forget to look up the calories and I hate looking up calories. A lot of the food I eat is homemade, so I can not just look at the box and that makes it hard to know just how many calories to say something has.

Anyway, in my journal I made codes so I can just type in a few letters to stand for the type of food, the way I was feeling and why I ate it. It is working for me today. Has kept me from eating needlessly because I am too lazy to log it - lol.

Becky said...

LMAO! I used to not eat stuff because I didn't want to have to take the time to log it, too!

MotherFingPrincess said...

I guess laziness pays off sometimes :)

Jess said...

Dang it! I can't open the templates. Boo!

Becky said...

I'll email it to you Jess. I wasn't sure if you could see it if you're not a registered member of LCF.

Jess said...

Becky - You can still e-mail the spreadsheet if you want. I may use it for later on...