Monday, April 27, 2009

Scatological humor alert

If you don't like toilet humor, stop reading here. If you do, and you want to laugh at my expense, carry on... I may or may not have mentioned, I am not low-carbing right now. I started a food journal and have increased my whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Let's just say that my body is not happy with this decision and is revolting right now. Here is a copy and paste of an e-mail between my work BFF and me from this afternoon. I hope you think it's as funny as we did.

2:45 - Me to BFF
I am officially in heaven! I tried that peanut butter with an apple and it seriously had to be one of THE best snacks I've ever had! I think that's going to be my new afternoon snack for awhile… :)

2:54 - BFF to me
Excellent!!! I’m glad it worked out for you!!!

2:56: Me to BFF
Anything that gets me to eat my fruits and veggies I'm down with. :oP
I'm just not looking forward to the almost certain side effects that I'm going to be having from this increased fiber from the fruits/veggies. Blech!

2:59: BFF to me
Ha ha ha!!! Yea…you better LOOK OUT!!!!! It’s going to be a shock to your system and you are going to be running!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck!!!!!!

3:02: Me to BFF
I know. I will probably have to put you on poop patrol again. LMAO! (not really though…I hate going #2 here!!!)
Yeah, thanks…I need it!

3:08: BFF to me
Ha ha ha!!!! Got to love it!!! Sometimes you can’t control it…your body does….and you have an almost hour ride to and from work….you better watch out!!! LOL!!!!!

3:11: Me to BFF
Uh, huh…I'm glad someone is getting a good laugh out of all of this. You just wait! You're trying to eat healthier too… :oP

3:12: BFF to me
Oh I had my time….a few weeks ago…when I was eating healthy…salads, veggies, etc….it was like 1-2 times a day a few days that week…I was hurting and had to run several times…it was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, now it’s your turn!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

3:16: Me to BFF
You made me literally laugh out loud! Although…it's not funny. Good news is that I workout everyday so I can just use that bathroom down there before I do so and that knocks out one #2 for the day. Thank god there usually isn't anyone down there when I go!
I am NOT looking forward to this…because I know that's exactly what's going to happen! Duh, duh, duh!

3:28: BFF to me
I’m glad I could make you giggle!!! Ha ha ha! And that we can share these stories……hehehe!!!!

3:32: Me to BFF
I spoke too soon. I've got the damn gurgles…you know what that means.
Trying to get healthy sucks in this respect! Ughhhh!

3:42: BFF to me
Let’s see….you had cheese and a wheat pita with carrots…the beginnings of deadly….then an apple with PB….for sure deadly…..running for the bathroom….priceless….!!!
:) Love ya!

3:46: Me to BFF
Oh, god. I need a shower! That was AWFUL!
Hope you don't have to go pee anytime soon. Blech!
I am SO glad I can talk to you about this crap (literally, LOL!).
I hope that is it for the day!
Don't laugh too loud over there because I know you are!

3:50: BFF to me
HA HA HA!!! Feel better?! Let’s hope that’s it…you need to drive home!!!!
I wouldn’t laugh……

3:53: Me to BFF
A little. I think I feel round #3 coming on.
You got any Imodium over there? When I changed purses I forgot to put some in my new one.
My ass is leaving at 4:00 even though I was here late. I will not subject anyone any further to this disgustingness today. (I feel bad for the rest stop people!)
I am certainly glad that I can laugh at myself in between stomach cramps.
Call me if you have drugs. :oP

3:54: BFF to me
I’m sorry…my drugs are at home….i cleaned my desk out before mat. Leave and never replenished yet….sorry……!!!!
I was thinking of you pulling over at the rest stop..!!!! OMG!!! LOL!!! I hope you make it home OK!!

3:57: Me to BFF
No biggie. I think it's finally subsiding…at least that wave.
Maybe I'll just see if I can find one of Collin's diapers in the car. J/k…even I won't stoop that low (as much as I would almost rather go in one of those than at a rest stop!).
Glad I could entertain you this p.m. :)

I hope this doesn't last for very long. This afternoon was just downright horrible.

Note to Matt: I promise that we don't e-mail like this everyday. This is not why I have to work over. This was an exception to the rule. It was completely necessary.


MotherFingPrincess said...

I think the best part is the note to Matt -lol.

This is why I am glad I work at home. No bathroom worries. I can go freely :)

Did you make it home okay? Or at least did you remember to bring the dirty diaper in? LOL

Jess said...

LMAO! I knew you of all people would get know how I am. I would LOVE to have my own bathroom. I hate having to be all discreet and worry about others. I'm jealous that you get to poo in peace by yourself. :oP

I made it home just fine. I had to make a pit stop before I went out the door but no problems since then *knocks on wood*...YET. The night is still young.

Sara said...

Too funny about your poop adventures at work! Your work bff sounds like a fun gal too. Stop by the CVS or whatever and get yourself a little pump sprayer bottle (not aresol, be green ;) and fill it with febreeze or body spray so you can put it in your purse and not leave evidence that you "went" in the work bathroom!

Just a helpful little tip ;)

And believe it or not, your body is LOVING all the healthy stuff you are feeding it, it's just not used to it. Keep up the greatness!

Jess said...

My work BFF is the greatest! I <3 her.

Great idea, Sara! I've actually got some Bath and Body miniatures that I don't wear since they aren't my normal scents so I might just use those.

This is just a HUGE change in my *ahem* bathroom habits than what I'm used to with low-carb.

And if my body loves me for eating better, it sure has a funny way of showing it. :oP