Monday, April 27, 2009

Food journal - day #1's not technically day #1 since I did it a couple of days before this but I think I'm going to do it on my blog; here and on SP. goes:

Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.: Mini whole wheat bagel w/strawberry cream cheese, sugar-free strawberry applesauce, Light & Fit Vanilla Yogurt, & Coffee w/half and half and sugar-free vanilla coffee syrup

I feel ZERO guilt about this meal. In fact, it was absolutely delicious and I feel good about my decisions. One meal down, two to go... :)

Snack at 10:20 a.m.: Smart Pop 100 calorie butter-flavored popcorn

I am ravenously hungry and think that tomorrow I may add more protein to see if that helps since I don't like snacking in the morning.

Lunch at 12:15 p.m.: Flax, oat bran, and whole wheat pita with smoked turkey and cheese, carrots w/yogurt ranch dressing, sugar-free strawberry applesauce

I don't think I brought enough food for the day. Argh?!

Edited at 1:15 p.m. to add, I am STUFFED! Good lunch. The yogurt ranch dressing was delicious! What's even better is that the dressing was free. A co-worker's father works at T. Marzetti's and she is constantly bringing in stuff they can't package and sell (for one reason or another) and this was one of those things. YUMMY!

Snack at 2:30 p.m. - apple with Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter w/honey.

OMG! This has to be one of THE best snacks I've ever had. I think this might be a staple for awhile. I highly recommend it. :) I am STUFFED. I hope this holds me through to dinner tonight...

Dinner at 6:00 p.m.: cheeseburger (on low-carb bread), mashed potatoes, mixed veggies

It's now almost 6:30 and I'm still a little hungry. I'm certain I'll probably have a snack later on, it's just a matter of what I'll snack on...

Snack at 10:20 p.m.: Tortilla chips and salsa I wasn't ravenously hungry but I needed something before I went to bed.

Last but not least, I got in 120 oz. of water today.

I'm SO proud of myself!

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