Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Food journal - day #2

Breakfast: 7:45 - Whole wheat bagel w/strawberry cream cheese (I couldn't resist even though I know I might be hungry later), yogurt, sugar free applesauce, and coffee w/regular creamer.

I'm nervous about dinner already! I have school tonight and I'm worried that I'm going to make a bad choice. Any ideas? Maybe I'll get Subway...

Lunch: 11:00 - Turkey and cheese on pita bread, carrots w/yogurt ranch dressing, and sugar free applesauce. I am very happy that I didn't have a morning snack and I wasn't ravenously hungry by lunch time. Lunch was satisfying. I do think I'm going to stop by Subway for dinner tonight...

Snack: 2:15 - Apple w/peanut butter - I don't think I'll ever get tired of this! :) I definitely decided to do Subway for dinner. Keep your fingers crossed that I stick to it because I'll actually be under my calories for the day. I feel good about my decisions today already!

Dinner: 5:15 - Chicken Teriyaki sub and baked Lay's potato chips w/diet coke. I am SO proud of myself for sticking to my guns. This meal was absolutely delicious and I felt satisfied after eating it. I *almost* got a cookie since I've got a ton of Subway rewards that I can redeem but I resisted. I was also hungry on break at school and really, really wanted to go to the vending machine to get some M&Ms or something sweet but I didn't. Whew! Dodged that bullet this time!

Snack: 10:45 - Tostitos w/salsa. I almost didn't eat this but I was a little hungry and craving something a little salty. This was so flavorful and I enjoyed every bite. I only got in about 90 oz. of water today. I had school tonight and so it's normal to be a little down on my water on these days. I cannot believe that I didn't binge or eat something "naughty" today. Woo-hoo!

I think this public journal is a good thing for me. It will be a bit of a pain to do and keep up on but I think it will be just one more tool to help keep me accountable. I apologize ahead of time for the constant editing...it just seems to work out well for me since I can access SP from home or work.

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