Tuesday, June 23, 2009


That's how I feel.

I am not doing very well at getting a decent amount of sleep right now. In fact, I didn't get "caught up" on my sleep this weekend since I had a ton of errands to do and I'm paying for it now...I feel physically ill. :( Bless Matt's heart...he let me crash on the couch for about 2 1/2 hours. I feel a little better but I'm still going to bed in a few minutes.

I don't think my medication is helping me right now either. My doctor switched my anti-depressant about two months ago and I started having some really not so fun side effects. It helped the depression but I noticed that if I accidentally missed a dose, I would get these overwhelming feelings of really dark depression...not very much fun. So...my doctor is putting me back on my old standby. The only thing that makes me nervous about that is my binge eating. The medication I was taking was helping with that. I'm not positive how much of that was the medication or how much of that was me just getting better at recognizing my triggers and having a little more self-restraint. Guess we'll see, huh?

I finally started working out again this week. I really want to re-start the shred soon but I'm taking baby steps and starting with jogging again. I can't tell you how depressed it made me that I wasn't able to keep up with shredding. That was just yet another time that I bit off more than I could chew. I may re-start it once I get back from South Dakota. I have got to tone up; especially in my arms, thighs, and stomach area.


InWeighOverMyHead said...

Hang in there. sorry you feel blah.

Becky said...

I think you're not giving yourself enough credit, Jess. You have come a long way in recognizing your triggers and coping with the binge eating. Try not to go into this (the med change) with the idea that it is going to hinder your progress.