Sunday, March 7, 2010

Back on the low-carb wagon


Although I know that I cannot do a low-carb diet permanently, I need to drop some weight and I need to drop it quick. Matt & I have a big weekend coming up where I'm going to meet one of my all-time favorite celebrities/musicians, Maynard James Keenan of TOOL, A Perfect Circle, & Puscifer. I can't wait! What is really depressing is that I really, really want a women's t-shirt for the concert and they only go up to XL. That's a motivating factor right there. Plus, I'm going to have Maynard's love child and I know he doesn't want to pro-create with a cow. :oP

I also figure it's about damn time I do something about my weight. I haven't really put much more on since my last post, but I'm certainly not losing any. I'm just feeling like shit again, my clothes are tight, and I'm sick of my double chin. In looking over my recent pictures on Facebook, I don't hardly have any because I do NOT want my pictures taken right now. I also really, REALLY want to run a 5K this year.

I think I'm ready though. I've taken, what a 6 month hiatus??? At least. There are a lot of things I like on low-carb so I think I can hang in there for awhile. I figure once I get burned out, I'll get back on Weight Watchers and stick to something long term. Matt & I are kicking around the idea of doing the Core plan but we're just playing it by ear right now. I go again on the weight loss band train....on Monday that is. (damn you girl scouts and your cookies!)


Becky said...

Are you still on BBC? Do you want to be a GO for the LC group? I'm debating going back to LC, as well, but like you, it's not something I can do (or even want to do) long term. My eating right now is pretty damn healthy (doing WW Core) and I'm not losing either. I don't eat much processed food at all any more but I'm just not losing.

Jess said...

I go there from time to time but I'm not on it near as much as I was a year ago. Sure; I'll be a group owner. You're not going to bail on me after you make me one, are you? ;) I tend to give groups the kiss of death when I'm the only GO because I'm not able to manage them effectively on my own with my schedule.

You'll have to let me know if you decide to go back on. Like I said, I definitely can't do it long-term but I love the quick results. I'm so tired of being fat that I think if I can see results right away that I might actually follow through with something. My depression is getting worse and I'm starting to become somewhat of a recluse and I don't like that feeling at all...

And to be honest (and I NEVER thought I'd say this), I'm actually burned out on sugar. I say that now, but I'm sure in a week that I'll be wanting to kill someone for a donut. :oP

Becky said...

I honestly don't know what I want to do, as far as food. I'm getting ready to start Insanity next month, and I'm considering following that nutrition plan (which is just a bunch of meals you pick from - all healthy foods). I would LOVE to give up sugar and crap but I don't know if I'm strong enough. I haven't had any significant junk in a couple weeks, and even some Core cookies the other day were overwhelming. If I don't get smaller doing Insanity, I will definitely go back to low carb for the summer.

Jess said...

I think that's a good idea. I hope it works out for you. :)

Matt's out shopping for the week right now so there's no turning back for me now...

He's actually excited that I'm going back on with him. He does really well on low-carb and has a few extra pounds he wants to get rid of. The good thing I can say about LC for me is that I've done it so many times that it's easy for me to get back on board.

And I don't know about you but I am SO excited for spring to be here! I heard that it's going to be in the mid-40s here so I think I'm going to walk during lunch this week. :) I can't wait!

Becky said...

I am so ready for spring - it has been a miserable winter.