Monday, September 28, 2009

Finally! Back on the road to sexiness! LOL

Ugh. I weighed in at 235.0 lbs. even this morning. The gain was completely my fault. I just kept putting it off and putting it off until I just got to the point (yet again!) that my clothes are tight and I feel like poo. No binging though...just overeating and no portion control.

I just got back from a quick 15 minute workout on the elliptical here at work. I went .9 miles and burned 160 calories. Matt picked up more rechargeable batteries for the Wii Fit yesterday (Collin managed to lose them, throw them away, or something) and so I'm going to condition myself again so I can start back on my Biggest Loser workouts. That is probably going to take a month or two. I'm taking it easy with walking/elliptical this week but starting next week, I'm going to slowly start jogging again. I really, really miss it and can't believe that I'm back to square one with that. As you may recall, I was up to 3 miles in June and I was jogging half of that! :( I'm going to get back there though, dammit!

I have a plan with this whole working out and heavy school load bit:

Monday & Wednesday - elliptical, walk, and/or jog for 15-30 minutes
Tuesday & Thursday - Wii Fit for 15-30 minutes. I am also going to do one medical terminology DVD/class at lunch so I can knock out my co-op (internship) class in about 6-8 weeks so I don't have to worry about that cutting in to workout time.
Friday - Off (or if I'm feeling really energetic - which I'm usually not - then I'll use this as a free day to do what I want)
Saturday or Sunday- Wii Fit for 30-60 minutes

Eating plan is Weight Watchers since I'm a much happier person on this. Matt is starting with me too so Yay! I just hope he stays with it because that'll make it easier for me to stay on track when I have to be somewhat accountable to him.


Becky said...

It's so much easier when a couple is following the same plan. I get so frustrated because I'm so protein based and eat 5-6 times a day and Sam only eats dinner then snacks until he goes to bed. I'm trying to put him on WW but he's got to do his share, too! Just because something is only XX of points, doesn't mean he can eat the whole damn pot. He makes me crazy! Good luck to you guys!

Jess said...

Matt would agree to you. I drove him nutty when I decided to go back on WW since he has low-carb down pat and he's the one that does the cooking. I think I finally got through to him when I told him that induction long-term is not healthy and that he should have a variety of foods in his diet. He likes to snack too and snacks quite a bit from when he gets home till he goes to sleep. I told him that's fine but that he should include lean protein and fruits/veggies as snacks. Before he was doing a bunch of pre-packaged "diet" food. Which I don't mind in moderation but you'll never get full on that crap.

Anywho...good luck getting Sam on WW. I think it's a really great plan as long as you can make it a lifestyle change (which I of course still struggle with).

MotherFingPrincess said...

Who just told me to stop being negative and that positive thinking goes a long way? Huh? Miss which of course I will struggle with?

Jess said...

Suck it, Heather. :oP