There were a couple of things I wanted to share that I thought you might be interested in.
We discussed my binge eating (I am so ashamed of those two words but the truth hurts). Sugar is my downfall, which she explained to me is very common with binge eaters. She explained to me that when the first bite of a sugar-laden food is consumed that the majority of the pleasure centers in the brain light up. The second bite lights up less and then the third bite barely lights up any. By the time you get to the fourth bite, little to none of the pleasure centers light up. So, in theory (according to her), if you have a craving you should have one to three bites, put it down and if you still want it 20 minutes later, then have another bite or two and so on until you are satisfied. She thinks that if I try this that I won't want any more after the first three bites.
I have yet to try this because I'm eating low carb and sugar is not conducive to this lifestyle. If I get in a pinch, I'll try this and let you know what I think.
She also doesn't think I should low-carb 'diet' either. I explained to her that I'm well aware that whatever I decide to do that it has to be a lifestyle change and not a diet. The problem is that I am sooooo hungry on any other 'diet' that it sends me into crazy binging sprees...not a good thing at all. So...unbeknownst to her, I'm going to keep low-carbing until I've made a valiant effort and can't lose any more weight. I'm hoping that I won't have to do that but we'll see.
The other thing she suggested is basically savoring food one time by myself. I'm supposed to look at it, smell it, feel the weight of it on my fork, savor the flavor while eating get the point. I have yet to do this too because I never have time alone to do this and there's no way in hell that I'm doing that in front of Matt or the boys...they'd really think that I lost it then! LOL
Lastly, she wants me to start working on this workbook:

I leafed through the first few pages on and it looks really interesting. She said that the first half of the book doesn't even deal much with sexual abuse and it looks like she's right. I ordered it off of for like $8 and I can't wait to get it.
It's been since Sunday night that I ate anything really bad. This is killing me. I'm a little hungry but nothing crazy and all I want to do is go into the kitchen and eat half of the plate of cookies that my MIL baked with the boys today. Maybe I'll get a sugar-free ice cream bar or a couple of sugar-free chocolates instead...
Glad all is going well. I wanted to tell you I read this article about food addiction - the hardest habit to kick - and not that it is a surprise but I am addicted to soda big time. I think I am going to start attending therapy groups online with OA (Overeaters Annoynmous). Might be something you talk to her about - it goes deeper than just liking food.
I also want to show you another article in there about time management. It gives tips for people like you who have a million things on their plate. Basically how to deal with it all. I thought about you as soon as I saw it. It could be helpful.
Anywho, much loves to ya babe!
(sorry if there are typos. I do not feel like spelling correctly today-lol)
Regarding her not wanting to low carb, if she ever brings it up again, spin it as you focus on natural proteins and vegetables. That usually shuts people up. Gah! I hate that people don't understand low carb properly.
Do you want to borrow my binge eating books? I have Binge No More by Joyce Nash and Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairbun. I would me more than happy to pop them in the mail this weekend and you can just send them back whenever you're done.
When I first started dealing my binge eating, the thought of just having one bite of something (chocolate, in my case) was outrageous. One bite of chocolate and I was stuffing my face for days. I have a hard time being spontaneous with my triggers, but if I plan them out, I am able to handle them much better.
Heather - My problem really isn't with overeating so much...I know...hard to believe after that giant piece of chocolate birthday cake I had at your's just staying away from bad carbs. I'm off regular pop, I use splenda in place of sugar now, I eat healthy veggies and protein...I just binge on bad, carby food every now and then (and sometimes regularly for a little while). I will keep OA in mind though if therapy doesn't pan out. I didn't realize they had on-line forums. You should definitely share the time management article too...although I'm slowly getting a handle on that by cutting out needless time wasters (certain websites, T.V. shows, etc.)
Becky - I will do that. ITA with you too. When people hear low-carb they think Atkins induction for life and that's not it at all. Unfortunately, I've never been able to stick with Atkins long enough to move past induction but I'd definitely like to get to that point where I add back in healthy things like fruit, whole grains, etc.
I would love to read your books! :) I can Paypal you some money for the shipping if you'd like. Drop me an e-mail at and I'll give you my mailing address. It may be two to three months before I get through them and mailed back to you because of my schedule but I'm definitely interested in reading them.
I'm with you though. The thought of a few bites of anything I'm craving is a completely foreign concept and will be hard to adjust to. I was somewhat doing that before I took the holidays off and it was working out well, but it's obvious that I need some extra help in keeping that mindset. You are awesome!!!
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