Check out these old pics! This might be just the motivation I need!
Right before I got
preggo w/Adrian - August 1997

Prom 1997

Adrian's 3rd birthday party - May 2001

Also from 2001

Before I put on all of my weight, I was about a size 10-12 normally and weighed between 165 and 175 lbs. That is where I'd love to be back to and maybe another size and 10-15 lbs. beyond that.
I WILL DO IT! This year is THE year!
As my fellow blogger Lisa would say, here's to lookin' fine in 2009! :)
I WILL DO IT! This year is THE year!
Yes you will! You're absolutely beautiful, Jess!
Aww! Thanks, Becky!
I think I will take monthly progress pictures...kind of like they do on the Biggest Loser. That way I can see my progress. I may or may not post them but I think that will help with the motivation...
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