I really need to get a life and stop taking pictures with my phone...(here are a couple you asked for, Heather)
Me, John (my future BIL), and my sister Kelli at New Year's

My new 'do (okay...so it's not so new...just a variation of the same old boring cut I've been getting for 3 years now)

Up close color (red violet brown - you can't tell in the picture but it is more 'vibrant' this time)

My knock-off Bob Evans' Border Scramble Omelet - doesn't it look delicious? (it was!)
I messed up the spelling in my last comment and just could not post a spelling malfunction-lol
I said, yeah you didn't change it much but it is a good look for you so you should stick with it.
Yummy Omelet!
I love the hair, Jess! It's sassy!
Cute hair!
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