I hope you can see them or at least click on them to make them bigger. I don't have any photo programs so I had to edit these in PowerPoint and save them as jpg files.
I am pretty sure that I see a difference. Not much but definitely a difference. Which is a good thing, since I have done terrible with my eating this week. I feel like shit. I started my period yesterday and it's pretty much the period from hell. I'm sure you all wanted to hear that but I feel the need to explain (or rather excuse) my hellacious eating.
I am back on track on Saturday. Easter threw me off and I'm stressed out because of the stuff going on with my mom and this PMS/period thing on top of it.
The good news is that I have kept on top of my working out. I feel really good in that respect so at least I didn't veer completely off track.
I also learned that I must keep my carbs at 60 grams or below per day. That's what keeps my hunger and cravings at bay. So I guess you could say it's been an educational experience. I really need to start planning my meals/snacks better too. Working out at lunch has my schedule completely off because I don't have time to eat after I workout and so I can't eat lunch until 2:00 or 2:30 when I get my my afternoon break. School has thrown my schedule off as well because since I eat lunch so late, I'm not too hungry when I get to school so I don't eat and then get ravenously hungry about an hour after being there and I can't leave until 9:00 since I have a lab I have to go to after class. I should probably consider eating a serving of nuts and an apple or something to hold myself over until after school.
I'm sorry if I've let any of you down. :(
I can ABSOLUTELY see a difference! A big one, too!
I see a difference, too, but it would be easier to tell if the pics were the same - same clothes and location. Hey, woman, PMS or not you are doing much better than me. I have those pre-period cravings and then my allergies are in high swing which has really cut my workout time this week (can't breath very well and when I work out I feel light headed from lack of oxygen). I am putting together some playlists for walking and hope that helps.
I did want to tell you that if you are doing the couch to 5K there is a website that has free music downloads for the couch to 5k. The music beats are set to keep you on track with training. The site is: podrunner and the exact URL is :
You have made a HUGE difference!!!! Look at you! I see many inches gone! In the boobage, the booty for sure, the midsection, just everywhere! This is definitely one of those situatons where you need to judge your progress on how you look instead of the scale. I know that scale is giving you hell lately, but this photo evidence is impossible to ignore! Keep on keepin on GF! Working out is doing your body GOOD! I'm so proud of you for posting the shots too :) You go girl!!!
Aww...thanks girls! I had to do something to make myself feel a little better and know that I'm not a complete failure.
Heather - I took these on a whim. I don't feel comfortable having anyone take my progress pics just yet and the workout room at work was the perfect place since the mirrors are huge. I tried to make the pics the same size so they were somewhat comparable. Next time I'll just have to bring my camera to work. :) Oh, and I've scrapped the C25K right now. My knees are still a little effed up from the last go round and so I'm focusing on dropping another 15-20 lbs. before I try again.
Sara - My other cheerleader...I <3 you! I am trying REALLY hard not to focus on the numbers on the scale but you know how it is. I'm still blown away that I'm in an 18W when I was in a 20W at about 12 lbs. less than now when I was on Weight Watchers (hope that makes sense). Crazy?! Just goes to show you that working out DOES help with losing inches. I wish I would have measured more places than what I have because I'm certain that I've lost inches in my thighs and my midsection (my biggest problem areas). Matt has been commenting about my midsection and I think would know more than anyone else. ???
I just have to remember to take solace in the small victories and realize that this is a LONG process. *sigh*
This is so true:
"I just have to remember to take solace in the small victories and realize that this is a LONG process. *sigh*"
And keep in mind, if you take it off slow and steady, you're more likely to keep it off!!! That's a big comfort to me and it helps to remember that when I have ups and downs and ups.
I know. Even just 5 lbs. a month is still 60 lbs. over a year. And that's a lot of pants sizes. :)
BTW...isn't it past your bedtime, woman? :D
It is rather late for me to be up but everyone else is asleep and I'm not tired.
That website has other walking mixes, too. amy and I are going to use them just to help us keep a good pace. You can choose music from 130 BPM to 190 BPM, I think - anyway, you have to check it out if you are doing any walking.
Having a music beat is so helpful to keep the pace and track your time.
Obviously I am the only one who has troubles comparing two pictures that are not exactly the same - lol. I just suck at that. I can not get my mind to wrap around the idea that the images do not have to be exact - IDk - it's a weird thing about me. I could see a difference, though.
Becky - LOL. I just thought maybe you were out trolling the 'net with your blog post from last week. :oP BBC Canada is pretty hopping right now if you're really bored...
Heather - I'll definitely keep that website in mind. Sounds like it might be a good tool.
Babycenter Canada bores me. I want some NEW drama, not the same old shit rehashed a million times LOL Plus, I suck as a troll. I lack the creativity and energy to be consistently witty, so I throw in a zinger now and then.
I can see a big difference!
Thanks, Lisa. Good luck with starting over. You can do it, girl! :D
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