Matt's grandpa passed away about a week and a half ago. I still can't believe he's gone. :( Adrian was pretty upset but didn't want me to know. Collin doesn't understand at all, which is probably good. Poor Matt has been worrying so much about everyone else that I don't think he's been able to grieve properly. I've just been trying to be as supportive as possible. It's hard being that losing him is the first real loss that we've had to deal with as adults. :(
School seems to be kicking my ass this quarter. I absolutely HATE my Microeconomics class! Too much boring reading and too many graphs that I can't understand to save my life. Business algebra isn't too bad but I still struggle with some of it since math is not my strong suit. Next quarter is Statistics and International Business Law. Fun, fun!
My sister Naomi is finally out of jail and I have a new (and actually my first) nephew as of almost 3 weeks ago. His name is Josiah Robert Jobe. He was 9 lbs. even and 21.6 inches long!!! Gosh do I love him?! He is perfect and just the sweetest, best little baby! Naome is doing the best she's ever done right now. She's been clean and sober for almost 9 months now and I can actually carry on a conversation with her. We've been talking almost daily and this is the first time she's ever called me to ask questions about how to take care of the baby. I honestly think she's going to make it now. I just want to cry thinking about it since her being sober is all we've wanted for all of these years.
I guess I should update you on the (lack of) weight loss. I'm pretty sure that I've gained back all that I lost. A couple of weeks ago I weighed in at 240 lbs., which is only 8 lbs. shy of when I first really started trying to lose weight about two years ago. To say that I am frustrated, embarrassed, or humiliated would be an understatement. I have GOT to make some time to start working out again. I am seriously contemplating actually starting to physically go to Weight Watchers meetings. Maybe by me having to pay that much more money and having to be accountable every week will help. I just don't know anymore. My schedule is the biggest problem right now. Here is a typical week day:
6:15-6:30 - wake up
7:15 - leave to go to work
8:15 - arrive at work
12:30-1:30 - lunch hour (I sometimes work 1/2 hour lunches to make up time and recently I've started doing homework)
5:15-5:30 or 6:00 - leave to go home
6:30-7:00 - arrive home
7:00-11:30 to midnight (usually the latter) - eat dinner (thank God Matt cooks!), load of laundry, homework, (maybe) spending time with Matt or the boys, Facebook (of course! ;) and maybe a TV show if I'm lucky.
If I end up having a doctor's appointment, to grocery shop, or something else I don't account for, that REALLY throws my schedule off. My lunch hour is where I'm going to have to squeeze the exercising in (again). I'm also going to have to start planning my meals/snacks better too. It's just been so hard with stuff with Naomi (I picked her up from jail and have visited a couple times since then) and Grandpa's passing. I am just really hoping that things will get back to normal soon...
Here is a pic of Josiah to close this entry :)

I have taken all the classes you mentioned. Any economics suck. International biz law is not too bad, but then I did have a ton of law classes before I took that. Statistics sucked, too - I hate to tell you, but it was time consuming. I really hope you find it easier than I did. Don't mean to be the black cloud, but figured I would tell you from my own experience so you can prepare.
Don't worry about the weight, either. I am in the same boat. I can't believe I let myself gain about 50 pounds in the past couple years. It is embarrassing and it sucks. I feel lost, too. Losing weight is just so difficult. I really hope we both find our way back on track. We deserve to be sexy mamas!
I think statistics is the last math class I have to take...thank GOD! I hate Math. That's the only thing I've learned in college. ;)
I know. I think losing weight is similar to having an addiction in that you have to have that moment of clarity when you decide you can't live the way you are anymore and you just do it. I don't know though. We'll see.
I do know that I need to get my ass in gear. I was really hoping to run the Commit to be Fit 5K this year and it's in 3 months. (prob more like 2 1/2 mos). Eek!
I told you I got DDR for the Wii, right? That games kicked my butt last night. IDK if you know anything about it, but there are levels of difficulty. The first level is cake. I pretty much blow through the songs without breaking a sweat (well after a half hour non-stop I am sweating a little-lol) Last night I hit the difficult mode by accident and about got my butt kicked. I was panting and sweating buckets by the time I was done - I did get an "A" which is one of the best grades you can get (I think there is a higher one, but don't know - just figuring this stuff out). It was awesome! A true workout. I was in the mode where you use your arms and legs so total body workout and got my cardio going, too.
I have Dance Dance Revolution 3 - it was $50 brand new. Maybe you could try it out - fun for the whole family, plus a workout. Your Wii really could pull double duty for you. You can use it for family together time and for working out. Think about it chick. Just don't think you will ever beat me at DDR - I am awesome!
Sounds like fun! I have thought a lot about doing a fitness routine that involves dancing since I love to shake my ass, LOL! Unfortunately, I don't like to shake my ass in front of other people (unless I'm inebriated - then I just don't care). This is one of those times that I really wish I had a separate room to work out in.
I might check that out though. Thanks for the info. :)
How sweet is that baby???? Welcome back!!
Thanks, Heather. Now if I can just stick with this...
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