The good news of the day is that I kicked my own ass on my lunch break. I decided to get on the elliptical since it was raining outside. I went for a half hour, went 1.7 miles, and burned 320 calories. Oh, and that only earned me TWO effing activity points. That's just not even right!
On a funny kid-related note, I had an interesting conversation with Collin tonight. I was getting him ready for bed and made him go potty when I noticed that his weenis was a bit inflamed on the tip. This happens a few times a year because I think his circumcision was botched a little but don't get me started on that topic. So anyway...I decided to clean it up with some hydrogen peroxide and put some ointment on it. As I'm doing that he tells me to "Stop touching it Momma. You'll make it bigger if you don't stop!" It was funny, yet disturbing at the same time. He then mentioned something about twisting and touching it and so I'm pretty sure he's discovered the art of touching himself. Oh, joy. And so it begins...his journey to manhood when he'll never stop touching his peen. I told Matt and I think I saw a glimmer of pride in his eyes.... :oP
On a totally different note, I'm almost ready for Halloween. I'm going to be an Oktoberfest girl. I have a schweet costume and even schweeter shoes. Check these bad boys out:

I can't wait to wear these AFTER Halloween too! :D (those are 4-inch heels, by the way)
Aunt Flo sucks balls. But I can't even use her as excuse!!! I'm not due for another 3-4 weeks or so.
Tell me about it?! I think yesterday was the worst of it so hopefully I'm over that hump. :/
Maybe you're just bored with your eating and your body is just wanting you to change things up? I don't think you did terribly. I do know how you feel about eating stuff that isn't worth using extra points for. I especially regret it when I'm ravenously hungry an hour later. >_<
shittily - great word LOL
peen touching - great keyword
I did "shittily" this week, too, so don't feel bad. Basically, Newsome has been over so much this week that my schedule is all messed up. Is that an equal trade off for a structured workout? :)
You will get back up on that horse and ride again, pumpkin dumpling. Just shake this week off and move on.
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