Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I weighed in on Monday and I did end up losing about 2 lbs. Yay! As much as I hate to say it, I'm not tracking for the next few days. I have so much crap going on this week (potluck tomorrow, fair this weekend, plus with Labor Day I'm going to want to celebrate with some booze, LOL!). I know they're sucky excuses but I PROMISE that I'll get right back on track on Monday. I should add that I've not been binging and that I've noticed that naughty food literally makes me feel ill anymore. I also want to note that I've passed up cake and other goodies that I don't need here at work lately and that's definitely a victory for me. It was funny because one of my male co-workers stopped by to get some candy from my candy dish the other day and I was snacking on an apple and yogurt. He saw me earlier in the day eating carrots too. He told me that he feels sorry for me and that he just wants to bring me a big juicy steak. I just chuckled at him and told him not to worry, that I'm not deprived, and that I'm on a mission this time.

You'll be happy to know that I'm still getting some workouts in... :)