Thursday, July 30, 2009


My blood work for this week came back already. My white blood cell count is still high so I get to see the Hematologist on August 13th. I'm trying not to worry but stupid me started googling things and have gotten myself all worked up. From what I gather, high white blood cells can be an indicator of high stress levels (duh!) to an infection to leukemia.

I'm betting that this is due to high stress but I guess we'll see...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Doing great!

Day two with no binging...yay! I've pretty much been right on target with my points too. Woot, woot!

I got my blood work back for my thyroid and it came back normal...once again. Argh! My white blood cell count is up high now and so I have to go back for weekly blood draws to ensure that it goes down, otherwise, I get to go to the hematologist for further workup and testing.

I am also scheduled for a sleep study August 11th, against my better judgement/wishes. I tried to tell the doctor that the reason why I am tired all the time is because I'm stressed and don't have much time to sleep. I'm stressed because I work full-time, go to school part-time, and have a family to raise/care I suck at balancing so I know I'm not doing the best I can do at this. Not to mention that I'm worried about my job security right now (who isn't right?) and money is tight for the next month. I am taking a one week unpaid "furlough" from work next week. I was kind of peeved at first until I started to talking to some of my friends and clients. One of my clients said that they made a 10% pay cut across the board at their company and a friend of mine just got offered a severance package and she's only 10 years from retirement. So...I'm just biting the bullet and am going to work from home for my old part-time job next week to try to supplement the money I'm losing.

On a good note, Only 8 more days until our TOOL concert and only a little over a month until our anniversary trip (sans kiddos) to Punta Cana. Can't wait!!!

Oh, and we're going camping at Jellystone this weekend. On one hand, I think it's a little hokey since the kids have no clue who Yogi Bear is but on the other hand, I think it's really sweet that Matt wants to create the same good memories for the kids that he had there growing up. It does appear to have quite a bit to do there so it should be fun. Collin is excited to go since he didn't get to go to South Dakota on "bacation"...this is his bacation (at least that's what we're telling him, LOL).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I know, I know. I suck.

I debated about even posting on here since I feel like I always doom myself to failure when I do. Plus, I really, really hate having people see me fail miserably, even if it just cyberspace. But, I'm doing it anyway...putting myself out there.

I think I said awhile back that I was going back to low-carb since I am desperate to drop some weight quickly before vacation. I decided against it. What made me change my mind, you ask? Just the thought of low-carbing made my binge eating OUT OF CONTROL and I could not bring myself to start back again because it made me so depressed.

What did I learn out of all of this? That I am doomed to continue failing unless I choose a plan and stick with it. A plan that is more realistic and easier to adhere to with my on-the-go lifestyle. So...I'm back on Weight Watchers. I'm doing the on-line program and trying it for free for a week. If I like it (which I think I will), I'm going to continue using it and doing the program.

I also learned that I have got to taper down the margaritas. Even with my good eating throughout the week, I sabotage all of my efforts on the weekend when I enjoy my tasty adult beverages. I still have the Baja Bob's margarita mixes at home and so I may try those when I want one.

Getting rid of my too big clothes was the best thing I ever did too. Since I don't have anything bigger in my closet, my clothes are tight and uncomfortable and that's definitely a good motivator for me. Plus, I feel like crap. I'm tired all the time, bloated, grouchy, and my back hurts. I can't believe that my back started hurting again and that my acid reflux started acting up again with the gain of only 8 lbs.

My starting weight is 232.2 lbs. as of this morning. I'll let you know how it goes.

I apologize...yet again for letting you all down. I'm officially dusting myself off today and trying this thing again. :)