(If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!!)
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears
With their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were
growing up; what with walking Twenty -five miles to school every morning
.. Uphill... barefoot...
BOTH ways
Yadda, yadda, yadda
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up,
There was no way in hell I was going to lay
A bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it
And how easy they've got it!
But now that... I'm over the ripe old age of
Thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my
Childhood, you live in a damn Utopia!
And I hate to say it but you kids today you
Don't know how good you've got it!
I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know
something, We had to go to the damn library and
Look it up ourselves, in the card catalogue!!
There was no email!! We had to actually write
Somebody a letter, with a pen!
Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox
and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3' s or Napsters! You wanted to
Steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it
Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd
usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up!
We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you
Were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's
And we didn't have fancy Caller ID either!
When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school,
Your mom, your boss, your Bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you
Just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!
We didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation video
Games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games
Like 'Space Invaders' and 'asteroids'. Your guy was a little square! You
Actually had to use your Imagination!! And there were no multiple levels or
Screens, it was just one screen
And you could never win. The game just kept getting
Harder and harder and
Faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!
You had to use a Little book called a TV Guide to find out what was
On! You were screwed when it Came to channel surfing! You had to get off
Your a$$ and walk over to the TV to change the Channel and there was no
Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons
On Saturday Morning. Do you Hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK
For cartoons, you spoiled
Little rat-bastards!
And we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat
Something up we had to use the stove ... Imagine that!
That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids
Today have got it too easy.
You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted
Five minutes back in 1980!
The over 30 Crowd
A peek into the daily life of a woman who has too much on her plate but refuses to give any of it up (and she wouldn't trade any of it for the world!)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Family Pics 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How to get rid of those pesky telemarketers...
Or any other annoying telephone calls!
So, we get pesky bill collector calls on a daily basis. They're not for us (don't ask) and they annoy the hell out of us.
Let me just say, first of all, I totally empathize with the stress that broke people have who get hounded by these people. They DO NOT GIVE UP and they don't care if you've lost your job or are on your deathbed dying of cancer. They're ruthless.
Anywho...we've decided to try a different tactic now. Before we'd say, "No, so-and-so isn't here. Thanks, bye!" But that didn't work.
Enter Collin.
After we discovered that he likes talking on the phone and he knows how to, we just give him the phone when an unknown number comes up.
Today, I laughed so hard I almost cried.
Here is a transcript of the conversation:
Collin: "Heh-woh?"
Telemarketer: "Hello. Is so-and-so there?"
Collin: "Hi!"
Telemarketer: "Is your mommy around?"
Collin: "(Senseless gibberish)...blah, blah, blah." <---- this went on for about two minutes until the phone went dead.
I need to get this on video.
So, we get pesky bill collector calls on a daily basis. They're not for us (don't ask) and they annoy the hell out of us.
Let me just say, first of all, I totally empathize with the stress that broke people have who get hounded by these people. They DO NOT GIVE UP and they don't care if you've lost your job or are on your deathbed dying of cancer. They're ruthless.
Anywho...we've decided to try a different tactic now. Before we'd say, "No, so-and-so isn't here. Thanks, bye!" But that didn't work.
Enter Collin.
After we discovered that he likes talking on the phone and he knows how to, we just give him the phone when an unknown number comes up.
Today, I laughed so hard I almost cried.
Here is a transcript of the conversation:
Collin: "Heh-woh?"
Telemarketer: "Hello. Is so-and-so there?"
Collin: "Hi!"
Telemarketer: "Is your mommy around?"
Collin: "(Senseless gibberish)...blah, blah, blah." <---- this went on for about two minutes until the phone went dead.
I need to get this on video.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Funny Collinism
So, I'm sitting here typing this right now as Collin is eating some jell-o. He's talking to himself saying, "Tasty Sugar, Tasty Sugar".
Too bad he doesn't know that it's sugar-free! hahahahahahaha!
Too bad he doesn't know that it's sugar-free! hahahahahahaha!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Old Navy Jeans
I am so excited! I got my new jeans in the mail from Old Navy today...size 18W. I haven't worn a size 18W jeans in years. In my experience, Old Navy runs a little small and so I knew I wouldn't be able to wear them right away but I'm so close! If I can lose another inch or so off my waist, I can get them buttoned.
Oh, well. Another goal to strive towards, right?
Oh, well. Another goal to strive towards, right?
Monday, November 17, 2008
I came in this morning to work knowing that I had won $25 from a football pool that I'm in here at work for the Buckeyes. Little did I know that I actually won two quarters (since they didn't score in the 3rd quarter) and that I won $50!
That will pay for about half of the new laptop cord that we had to buy over the weekend...
That will pay for about half of the new laptop cord that we had to buy over the weekend...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Some pics from this weekend...
Gabby (my niece) & Collin - isn't she beautiful?
Me & Mommy
Me, Bill (my step-dad), & Collin
The whole gang (my brother Dahkota is on the far left)
We had a really good time. I hadn't seen Mom since June and the boys had fun making Indian fry bread with Na-Na and just vegging out. I didn't eat low-carb this weekend (obviously with the fry bread, LOL) but I didn't go completely overboard either. It was nice to be normal and eat within reason.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bye for now!
I'm heading off to my Mom's for the weekend. She lives about 2 1/2 hours away in Michigan and I haven't seen her in like five months. I'm so excited!
Matt never does anything for himself and so I encouraged him to go have fun with his friends this weekend and so he's going to get some fun time in this weekend too.
I was thinking that I hardly have any pics of me and my mom and so I think I'll work on getting some this weekend. Plus, it'll be good blog fodder. :)
Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be back either tomorrow night or Monday...
Matt never does anything for himself and so I encouraged him to go have fun with his friends this weekend and so he's going to get some fun time in this weekend too.
I was thinking that I hardly have any pics of me and my mom and so I think I'll work on getting some this weekend. Plus, it'll be good blog fodder. :)
Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be back either tomorrow night or Monday...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Kids say the darndest things
So I have a couple funny tidbits to share courtesy of Collin...
Last week, I came home to Collin talking to Matt about a "Baby Seester, Baby Seester, Daddy".
Does he know something that I don't? :)
(oh, and before you get too excited, I'm 101% sure that I'm not pregnant but who knows what the future might bring since we're (okay...I really mean I'm) about 75% sure that we (I) want to have another baby?)
And my second funny story, happened tonight. Matt was home with the boys since I was at school. The phone rang and he checked the caller-ID and saw that it was an unknown number. He ran to get something and came back to Collin talking on the phone. His conversation went something like this:
"Okay. Bye now!"
Where is the video camera when you need it? :) We have no idea who he talked to or if they even knew that it was a 2-year old that was on the phone but they never did call back.
I'm getting some ideas now... *evil laugh*
Last week, I came home to Collin talking to Matt about a "Baby Seester, Baby Seester, Daddy".
Does he know something that I don't? :)
(oh, and before you get too excited, I'm 101% sure that I'm not pregnant but who knows what the future might bring since we're (okay...I really mean I'm) about 75% sure that we (I) want to have another baby?)
And my second funny story, happened tonight. Matt was home with the boys since I was at school. The phone rang and he checked the caller-ID and saw that it was an unknown number. He ran to get something and came back to Collin talking on the phone. His conversation went something like this:
"Okay. Bye now!"
Where is the video camera when you need it? :) We have no idea who he talked to or if they even knew that it was a 2-year old that was on the phone but they never did call back.
I'm getting some ideas now... *evil laugh*
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So, as you know, I've lost close to 20 lbs. since I (re) started my weight loss journey in August. You may also know that I've lost 4 sizes since then. For whatever reason, I have been scared to death to try on my old pants. I got the courage to do just that. I got tired of looking like I crapped myself because my pants were/are too big in the back (and the front for that matter) and so I dug out a huge bag of clothing that I had put away probably two years ago, thinking that I'd probably never wear them again and that I'd have to donate them.
I am happy to report that I am able to definitely, without a doubt, fit into all of my size 18W pants! Woo-hoo!
So I was trying to find a video on YouTube to celebrate this glorious occasion and I couldn't really find one but found this one that I had totally forgot about...since we're on the subject of booties.
Whoot there it is! :oP I got the courage to do just that. I got tired of looking like I crapped myself because my pants were/are too big in the back (and the front for that matter) and so I dug out a huge bag of clothing that I had put away probably two years ago, thinking that I'd probably never wear them again and that I'd have to donate them.
I am happy to report that I am able to definitely, without a doubt, fit into all of my size 18W pants! Woo-hoo!
So I was trying to find a video on YouTube to celebrate this glorious occasion and I couldn't really find one but found this one that I had totally forgot about...since we're on the subject of booties.
Whoot there it is! :oP
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I love my life!
Sorry to have neglected you all this week. It's been a not so good eating and weight loss week. No crazy bingeing; just not eating like I should and working out like I should. I'm getting back on track though so next week WILL be better.
Anyway. Today started out with Collin crawling in bed with me and waking me up with a kiss and him saying "I lub you momma". It's moments like that when it makes him completely demolishing my house every chance he gets totally worth it!
Matt took us all out to Amish country today so we could pick up some stuff we needed. First of all, I'm a complete boob because I walked into the Amish bakery/store and wondered why it was so dark in there. Duh! That was totally a 'Jessica' moment.
It smelled so DIVINE in there! They were baking fresh pumpkin pies and cookies on a wood burning stove and the combination was just heavenly! Yum, yum, yum!
We ended up buying some cheese for like $3.50/lb. and got the boys some homemade chocolate dipped pretzels. I'm happy to report that I haven't ate any yet. I'm actually kind of candied-out from my mini-binges this week, so I guess that's good.
The boys got to check out some of the farm animals. Collin really liked the bunnies. I saw a sign there that the rabbits are like $8 a piece but I wasn't sure if that was for rabbit meat or the actual rabbits (eek...and I wasn't going to ask!).
Christmas present maybe? (live rabbit that is)
We also saw some horses there and Collin pointed out "Horsey likes a apple". He is fortunate to know all about horses because Matt's Grandpa owns a horse farm. So cute!
Next it was on to find some firewood. We ended up driving all around Amish country but it was neat to see the houses and the different people. They are SO friendly too! (not that I expected them NOT to be but they were just really, really cordial) We finally found a place where we got a truck load for like $35 of really good wood. We're still not set for the winter but that's a good start. It was hilarious to watch Matt & Adrian load the wood. Adrian's idea of loading wood was throwing a twig in at a time as Matt and the Amish guy grabbed armfuls and chucked it in the truck. I was chuckling hysterically at Matt because he's lost so much weight that he had some major plumber's crack going on. <--- He's probably going to kill me for that last comment. *evil laugh*
All in all, it was a nice family morning. It's so nice that my classes are so easy this quarter so we have the luxury of doing stuff like this together.
I'm trying to talk Matt into dumping the boys off at Grandma & Grandpa's for the night so we can do some Christmas shopping/browsing, since it'll be here before we know it...
Anyway. Today started out with Collin crawling in bed with me and waking me up with a kiss and him saying "I lub you momma". It's moments like that when it makes him completely demolishing my house every chance he gets totally worth it!
Matt took us all out to Amish country today so we could pick up some stuff we needed. First of all, I'm a complete boob because I walked into the Amish bakery/store and wondered why it was so dark in there. Duh! That was totally a 'Jessica' moment.
It smelled so DIVINE in there! They were baking fresh pumpkin pies and cookies on a wood burning stove and the combination was just heavenly! Yum, yum, yum!
We ended up buying some cheese for like $3.50/lb. and got the boys some homemade chocolate dipped pretzels. I'm happy to report that I haven't ate any yet. I'm actually kind of candied-out from my mini-binges this week, so I guess that's good.
The boys got to check out some of the farm animals. Collin really liked the bunnies. I saw a sign there that the rabbits are like $8 a piece but I wasn't sure if that was for rabbit meat or the actual rabbits (eek...and I wasn't going to ask!).
Christmas present maybe? (live rabbit that is)
We also saw some horses there and Collin pointed out "Horsey likes a apple". He is fortunate to know all about horses because Matt's Grandpa owns a horse farm. So cute!
Next it was on to find some firewood. We ended up driving all around Amish country but it was neat to see the houses and the different people. They are SO friendly too! (not that I expected them NOT to be but they were just really, really cordial) We finally found a place where we got a truck load for like $35 of really good wood. We're still not set for the winter but that's a good start. It was hilarious to watch Matt & Adrian load the wood. Adrian's idea of loading wood was throwing a twig in at a time as Matt and the Amish guy grabbed armfuls and chucked it in the truck. I was chuckling hysterically at Matt because he's lost so much weight that he had some major plumber's crack going on. <--- He's probably going to kill me for that last comment. *evil laugh*
All in all, it was a nice family morning. It's so nice that my classes are so easy this quarter so we have the luxury of doing stuff like this together.
I'm trying to talk Matt into dumping the boys off at Grandma & Grandpa's for the night so we can do some Christmas shopping/browsing, since it'll be here before we know it...
Monday, November 3, 2008
First Americans for Obama
Thanks to Cousin Lynelle for this insightful video:
Date: Nov 3, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: First Americans for Obama
Body: Watch and Pass On Please! First Americans have been stepping up across the nation to help bring the change we need.
Date: Nov 3, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: First Americans for Obama
Body: Watch and Pass On Please! First Americans have been stepping up across the nation to help bring the change we need.
Free Starbucks!!! And Ben & Jerry's!!!
Starbucks: You get a free tall cup o' joe if you come in tomorrow and let them know you voted. Details here:
Guess where I'm going tomorrow after I vote? :oP
Ben & Jerry's: We want to thank you for voting by giving you a free scoop of ice cream! If you did not vote...We'll give you a scoop anyway, but no complaining about the results...or the size of your scoop. Come to participating scoop shops on November 4th from 5-8pm, and you'll get a free scoop of ice cream. Click here for voting locations and participating scoop shop! Thanks, from all of us at Ben & Jerry's! Limit one per customer. (Too bad the nearest one is like 2 hours from me and I have school tomorrow night!)
Guess where I'm going tomorrow after I vote? :oP
Ben & Jerry's: We want to thank you for voting by giving you a free scoop of ice cream! If you did not vote...We'll give you a scoop anyway, but no complaining about the results...or the size of your scoop. Come to participating scoop shops on November 4th from 5-8pm, and you'll get a free scoop of ice cream. Click here for voting locations and participating scoop shop! Thanks, from all of us at Ben & Jerry's! Limit one per customer. (Too bad the nearest one is like 2 hours from me and I have school tomorrow night!)
free Ben and Jerry's,
free Starbucks,
Down 3.75 more inches...
For the past month. Yay! :)
Not the big numbers I hoped to see but a loss is a loss. Only 7 more lbs. until my mini-shopping spree! :)
And while we're discussing inches/size, and since I was honest about my weight last week, I figured I might as well put my size out there. I started out this journey at a size 22W (I actually had a pair of capris that were a size 24W and that's when I decided enough was enough) and I'm happy to report that I fit comfortably in a size 18W now.
Still not where I want to be but it's progress. :) My goal is to get down to a size 8 or 10. I don't really want to be much smaller than that because I rather enjoy my curves. :oP
Anyway...I can do and I AM doing this!!!
Not the big numbers I hoped to see but a loss is a loss. Only 7 more lbs. until my mini-shopping spree! :)
And while we're discussing inches/size, and since I was honest about my weight last week, I figured I might as well put my size out there. I started out this journey at a size 22W (I actually had a pair of capris that were a size 24W and that's when I decided enough was enough) and I'm happy to report that I fit comfortably in a size 18W now.
Still not where I want to be but it's progress. :) My goal is to get down to a size 8 or 10. I don't really want to be much smaller than that because I rather enjoy my curves. :oP
Anyway...I can do and I AM doing this!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Terrible Twos
Does anyone want a terrible, I mean, um well-behaved, cherubic, and adorable little 2-year old?
Collin is about ready to drive me insane! He is a non-stop ball of energy and his favorite thing to do now when he doesn't get his way is to throw himself on the floor and scream at the top of his lungs until I want to rip every hair from my head and then bang my head against the wall until I knock myself out and put myself out of this misery.
I've got an example of this behavior; as a matter of fact, he had a mini-melt down as I was typing this because I turned the T.V. off because he was getting too hyper. This is not even close to what we deal with on a daily basis. Enjoy!
Collin is about ready to drive me insane! He is a non-stop ball of energy and his favorite thing to do now when he doesn't get his way is to throw himself on the floor and scream at the top of his lungs until I want to rip every hair from my head and then bang my head against the wall until I knock myself out and put myself out of this misery.
I've got an example of this behavior; as a matter of fact, he had a mini-melt down as I was typing this because I turned the T.V. off because he was getting too hyper. This is not even close to what we deal with on a daily basis. Enjoy!
Oh, and an example of his boundless energy during trick or treating (notice who he is yelling for (Jessica) - I didn't notice until I about the 5th time I watched this - nice!):
mini melt-down,
terrible two-year old
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Punkin Carving!
Me & The Boys (I got some more money out of my costume...yay!)
Collin wasn't liking his costume at first but once he figured out that he could get candy, he was all over it. Both he & Adrian made out like bandits and I fell off the bandwagon today with my eating...darn candy (and stupid potluck at work)!!!
Better luck tomorrow...
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